
The Little Miss – Traditional Americana Music w/ A Dark Twist

Looking to capture the apple pie-eyed idealism of traditional Americana music, The Little Miss can be most accurately described as a romantic, twenty-first century take on a seemingly simpler time. With roots in jazz, blues and folk music, the sound of The Little Miss ranges from the gritty guitar riffs of the old west to one-take, twangy samplings straight from the plains. Influences include Woody Guthrie’s simplicity, Frank Sinatra’s theatrical nature, Cole Porter’s wit, Billie Holiday’s pain, and Bob Dylan’s right foot.

The Little Miss - Traditional Americana MusicWith one foot in the modern era and the other rooted in the nostalgia of decades past, The Little Miss can be most accurately described as a romantic, twenty-first century take on a seemingly simpler time. With roots in jazz, blues and folk music, the sound of The Little Miss ranges from the gritty guitar riffs of the old west to one-take, twangy samplings straight from the plains.

“These grand ideas I have of the old west likely came about as a result of the books I read growing up. They did a lot to stoke my imagination. In some ways, I like to think of it as a ‘past life’ thing, because otherwise, I don’t have that good of an explanation for it. I didn’t discover greats such as Woody or Johnny until later in college. I grew up listening to top 40, a single Boston record I owned, and a lot of Jewel. Formative years were spent listening to a blend of radio hits and just a couple of singer-songwriters. In some ways, I have no idea where the spirit of my music came from. To this day, I still don’t listen to as much folk as you’d probably think I do. I listen to a lot of catchy, indie pop, sad singer-songwriter music and classic, old jazz. Go figure.”

Gothic Western group