October 5, 1892 was the day the Dalton Gang robs two banks at once. On that date the famous Dalton Gang attempted a daring daylight robbery of two Coffeyville, Kansas [ … ]
Benjamin Singleton
It was early 1877. The Civil War had been over for more than ten years. But blacks still didn’t have the freedom they had hoped for. Tenant farming had replaced [ … ]
Gothic Western Phrases From the Old West
Heard Around the Bunkhouse is a feature on our sister Western Lifestyle site CowboyToCowboy.com where they bring you cowboy phrases and sayings that were used back in the Old West. [ … ]
Famous Billy the Kid Photo
Years ago I commented on the Billy the Kid PBS special and how the famous Billy the Kid photo kept appearing on the screen over and over. That’s because there [ … ]
Tombstone Stagecoach Held Up
On March 15, 1881 the Tombstone stagecoach was held up. Although not intended as such, it ended up being one of the causes for the O. K. Corral shootout. On [ … ]
Pearl Hart – Old West Woman Outlaw
Just when everyone thought the wild Old West was gone, in 1899 a small slight woman outlaw by the name of Pearl Hart and her boyfriend held up a stagecoach [ … ]
Doc Holliday – Myth and Fact
We all think of Doc Holliday as a deadly shootist, killing scores of men. But, in this case our thinking is wrong. In reality, it can only be verified that [ … ]
Another Dodge City Shooting
April 20, 1886, Globe Live Stock Journal, Dodge, Kansas – On last Thursday evening at about six o’clock, another Dodge City shooting took place on the south side of the [ … ]
Death Saved a Born Thief From a Felon’s Cell
JOSIE EVANS, A BORN THIEF, DEFEATS JUSTICE. Wanted for Grand Larceny She Goes to the County Hospital to Pass Her Few Remaining Days. September 12, 1898, Republican, Phoenix, Arizona – Occupying [ … ]
The Bender Family and the Disappearance of Dr. York
The murdering Bender family comprised of Ma & Pa, their daughter Kate and son John Jr., arrived in the Cherryvale, Kansas area in 1871. They opened the Bender Inn, serving [ … ]