
Red Range: A Wild Western Adventure

Red Range A Wild Western Adventure

Set during the 19th century, and combining an unusual mix of racial unrest, odd ball characters, and strange happenings, Red Range: A Wild Western Adventure is a unique take on “The Western.” During a Klan lynching, a mysterious rider appears, and proves to be a deadly shot! It is the Red Mask, Red Range A Wild Western Adventurea tough, lethal, black man who wisely keeps his identity concealed, especially while battling his enemies. Through a series of events, the Red Mask continues to thwart the violent and hateful actions of the Klan, while picking up an orphan along the way, and teaching him how to turn his hate into something more positive.

As a bonus, this book contains a little-seen story by Glanzman, “I Could Eat a Horse!” Red Range: A Wild Western has been called “an edgy tale like no other” (Fantastic Fiction) and “an outrageous story, on par with Quentin Tarantino at his best” (Comics Grinder), and the saga is replete with a monstrous, genre-bending story twist.

Red Range A Wild Western AdventureJoe R. Lansdale has received the Edgar Award, eight Bram Stoker Awards, the Horror Writers Association Lifetime Achievement Award, the British Fantasy Award, the Grinzani Cavour Prize for Literature, the Herodotus Historical Fiction Award, the Inkpot Award for Contributions to Science Fiction and Fantasy, and many others. Get your copy HERE.