
Welcome to the Gothic Western Website

Gothic Western is a collective dedicated to spreading the word about, and knowledge of, all facets of this dark subculture: music, film, literature, fashion, art and other aspects of the Gothic Western lifestyle.
What is Gothic Western? We feel it encapsulates anything relating to the darker side of the Old West, New West, and everything in between. Within this subculture, we include Southern Gothic (as many settlers in the West came from the old antebellum South, bringing their curses and hoodoo with them.) We will also include some of the dark tales of the Wild West in Old West Catacombs.
Gothic Western   Dark Western film & TV, as well as Gothic Country & Western and Bluegrass music (often called “Streetgrass” or “Bloodgrass“), has seen a conflagrant rise in popularity in recent times across the nation as well as overseas. We are committed to bringing forth the latest news, events, and releases while simultaneously delving into the history of Gothic Western by showcasing past releases and productions. Gothic Western will unearth the archives and scour our own collections to flesh out the definitive history of this fascinating genre.
We readily welcome contributions and input from our site’s visitors, so don’t hesitate to send us your leads on any media you think should be included here on GothicWestern.com.

Gothic Western group